Personal Finance Made Simple | Money Tips | Budget, Save Money, Increase Your Income [The Jolie Harris Show]

New Trailer: Welcome to The Jolie Harris Show!

Jolie Harris - Christian Speaker
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00:00 | 01:05

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What does it look like to invite God into our ordinary, everyday moments? (Yes, even the parts of our day that don’t feel "spiritual".)

That’s exactly what we explore on this podcast!

Welcome to The Jolie Harris Show, where we talk about how to live each moment with purpose and intention, all for the Glory of God, so you can be closer to Jesus and enjoy the life He has for you. 

Romans‬ ‭11‬:‭36‬ tells us: For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen. 

The truth is, sometimes that’s easier said than done. My prayer is that after listening to this show, you’ll feel encouraged, convicted, and empowered to see Jesus in the everyday moments of life. Whether it’s family, work, business, friendship, or even your finances...we’ll talk about how God’s Word applies PRACTICALLY, so you feel equipped to keep God first in everything you do.

I’m grateful and excited to walk on this journey with you!

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